Move with your breath, inhaling when the spine extends and exhaling when it flexes. Poses 1 to 10 lengthen the spine and flanks, preparing for the High Crescent Twist and core-toning dancing lunges.

1. Bitilasana-Marjaryasana (Cat-Cow Pose) Come onto your hands and knees, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees. Begin to move your spine in a rhythmic motion: With every inhalation, arch your back and lift your sitting bones and chest into Cow; with every exhalation, round your back and tuck your chin and pelvis into Cat.
2. Tabletop, variation From all fours, lift your belly in toward your spine. Extend your right leg and left arm. Bend your right leg and take hold of your foot with your left hand. Kick your foot into your hand as you twist and open your chest into a backbend. Try gazing up. Repeat on the other side, then come into Down Dog.
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward- Facing Dog Pose), knee-to-nose variation From Downward Dog, lift your right leg up high behind you, then round your spine as you draw your knee to your chest. Keep your pelvis low and round your upper spine toward the sky. Hug your right thigh to your chest and your knee to your nose. Keep pressing the floor with your hands. Return to Downward Dog and then repeat with the left leg.
4. Flip Dog From Downward Dog, lift your right leg and arm and pivot on your left foot. Spin your torso and hips open to the ceiling, and lower your right foot down to the side of your left foot. Reach your right arm toward the wall behind you. Keep your feet parallel, pressing firmly into the floor. Return to Downward Dog and do Flip Dog on the other side.
5. Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) Un-flip your Dog and roll your heels to the right. Shift your weight into your right hand and the outer edge of your right foot. Stack your left foot on top of your right. Press your feet and hand down as you lift your hips and extend your left arm up. (If this is too intense, lower your bottom knee to the floor.) Return to Downward Dog and repeat on the left.
6. Plank Pose From Downward Dog, lower your hips until your torso is parallel with the floor, shoulders over wrists. Keep your legs and core engaged; press your hands and feet into your mat. Press out through the heels to activate your legs and reach forward with the crown of your head.
7. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) From Plank, shift your weight forward, bend your elbows, and lower halfway down, keeping your elbows by your sides. Press your hands into the floor, push back through your heels, and engage your core. If this is too intense, modify the pose by lowering your knees to the floor.
8. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward- Facing Dog Pose) From Chaturanga, press your hands and the tops of your feet down, to bring your thigh bones off the floor as you lift your torso. Draw your upper arm bones toward your back to open your heart. Keep your neck long as you gaze up.
9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward- Facing Dog Pose) From Upward Dog, roll over the tops of your feet, press into your hands, and lift your hips high. Spread your fingers wide, work to ground through the four corners of each foot, lift your sitting bones to the ceiling, and draw the pit of your belly and low ribs toward your spine.
10. Alanasana (High Crescent Lunge), variation From Downward Dog, step your left foot between your hands. Fire up your back leg and soften your pelvis toward the floor, stretching your back hip flexor. Lift the sides of your waist, then lift the front of your pelvis as your tailbone descends. Bring your arms alongside your ears and gaze up. Exhaling, release and switch sides.
11. Parivrtta Alanasana (High Crescent Twist) From High Crescent Lunge with the left foot forward, bring your hands to your heart center and twist your belly and chest to the left. Press your right upper arm into the outside of your outer left thigh. Press your palms together and draw your shoulder blades toward the center of your spine. Turn your gaze upward and smile. Switch sides. Repeat Poses 6 to 11 four more times.
12. Dancing Lunges Start in a Low Lunge with your right leg forward. Shift your gaze forward and bring your weight onto your fingertips. Squeeze in your lower belly for power and lightly hop your left foot forward (shifting your gaze down when it lands), while simultaneously extending the right leg back. Continue this hop-switch action, rapidly alternating legs in a joyful dance that builds your inner fire.
13. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) From Downward Dog, walk or jump forward and come to sit. Recline on your back and bend your knees, with your ankles directly under your knees. Press the four corners of each foot down and lift your hips as high as you can. Clasp your hands together and press your upper arms down as you lift your chest.
14. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) Bring your hands alongside your ears, palms down, fingers facing your feet. Press your hands and feet down as you lift your hips and torso up. Straighten your arms and relax your head down. Breathe into your upper chest, open your heart, and shine! If you’re not comfortable practicing Upward Bow, practice Bridge again.
15. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) Bring the soles of your feet together, allowing your thighs to drop toward the floor in a gentle hip opening. Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your low belly. Close your eyes and let your belly expand as you inhale; sink as you exhale. Breathe in new life for the day ahead.