Brian Thomas Wagner standing in Austin, Texas, embodying the spirit of innovative content marketing and brand development.

Hey there!

Running a business, big or small, is a journey. Maybe you stumbled upon my work or someone nudged you my way. Kudos for being open to new perspectives. You’ve bootstrapped your way here with minimal start-up marketing spend, which is smart. Now you’re ready for a shift that could really amp up your growth.

Here’s the deal: I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out marketing funnels, especially for brands that stand for something. These funnels? They’re more than just a sales gimmick. They’re about connecting your story to people who care.

I focus on grabbing attention in a noisy world. I craft messages that aren’t just loud, but meaningful – speaking to what your brand truly stands for. In the middle of it all, I weave your story into experiences that resonate deeply with your audience. At the end of the funnel, it’s about making sure that the journey feels smooth and keeps your message strong.

But there’s more. I also mix in some tech magic. My knack for web development lets me tie together tools and systems to keep your marketing sharp and efficient.

In today’s world, where everyone’s eyes are glued to screens, making your brand memorable is key. It’s not just about shouting your message. It’s about creating a rhythm that your audience can’t help but notice.

My approach goes beyond just getting noticed. It’s about finding people who haven’t met your brand yet, and even those who are flirting with your competitors.

And here’s something I firmly believe in: keeping your customers coming back. It’s not just about a one-time wow. It’s about continually adding value and keeping the conversation going long after the first sale.

I’m Brian Wagner. I dig deep into how things work and love finding smarter ways to do things. My playground is at the intersection of web development, media & marketing, and tech solutions. I’m always on the lookout for kindred spirits to collaborate and create something impactful.

Feel free to reach out. Let’s chat, brainstorm, or just exchange a friendly hello. I’m all about turning ideas into action.

Let’s make something that stands out – something that’s as innovative, connected, and limitless as our aspirations.

insert b4 I am always excited to connect with like minded individual


Ever since I created my first websites in middle school, I’ve been hooked on the digital world. Back then, my friends and I would work together to develop scripts that guided our characters through popular online games while we hung out at the mall. This early exposure to the digital space ignited a deep interest in learning patterns to grow online systems – a skill I’ve honed over the years.

Throughout high school and college, I continued to expand my knowledge in the digital realm, taking courses in programming, graphic design, and digital marketing. My relentless pursuit of improvement allowed me to gain valuable skills and insights that I’ve successfully applied in various projects and collaborations.

As a social media marketing guru, I have a keen ability to identify and capitalize on trends. My background includes growing the @AustinCurated Instagram account to a significant following in just a year before pivoting to focus on business ventures. My expertise in website development has allowed me to specialize in rapidly deploying WordPress concepts with infinite integrability.

But I’m not just about technology. Outside of the digital sphere, I’m an avid art enthusiast. My artistic journey has seen me dabble in various art forms, from photography to sculpting. My passion for art has also led me to apprentice under talented artists on social media, where I’ve had the opportunity to learn from and shadow sculptors, painters, photographers, filmmakers, and musical artists.

I’ve had the privilege of attending art workshops and exhibitions, which has further fueled my love for the creative process. These experiences have helped me develop a unique artistic perspective that I bring to every project I undertake. If you’re curious to see my work, feel free to browse my photography portfolio at PassGallery or fill out the quote form on my Photography Page.

Looking ahead, I envision myself venturing into project management, web development, and brand development roles. I believe that my unique blend of technical skills, creativity, and passion for design and trends will enable me to excel in these areas, leaving a lasting impact on the projects and teams I work with.

In my spare time, I also enjoy exploring new places, attending concerts, and engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and biking. These experiences have not only allowed me to unwind and recharge but have also served as sources of inspiration and motivation.