If the latissimus dorsi are tight, the flexion and upward rotation of the arms can cause hyperextension in the lumbar spine.
Hands and Wrist Alert: It’s very challenging to maintain the integrity of the hands with all the weight of the body balancing on them, but it’s essential in this pose because collapsing into the wrist or heel of the hand is quite dangerous for the carpal tunnel and the nerves passing through it.
Overuse of the gluteus maximus and latissimus dorsi can create more of a banana-shaped pose, which is admittedly easier for balance and may feel more stable for many people. doing a handstand with a neutral spine is far more challenging and recruits more core muscular strength.
For hypermobile students, it is especially important to find the strength of deep, intrinsic muscles, so the pose doesn’t become rigid, but is both stable and fluid… available for breathing.